20th Anniversary Hong Kong SAR Facebook features James Laws Cybertecture works at Confluence20

【流動住屋概念─羅發禮】「Confluence.20+」設計展匯聚咗20組活躍於本地嘅香港同國際設計達人,其中世界知名嘅香港建築師羅發禮(James Law),展示嶄新嘅流動住屋Alpod概念模型。呢個互動建築點樣走向世界、走向未來? 就等James現身同大家分享一下!

#香港特區20周年 #Confluence20+ #羅發禮 #Alpod #創意香港 #建構未來 #同心創前路 #掌握新機遇 #香港設計中心

[NEW MODE OF LIVING – JAMES LAW] The “Confluence • 20+” exhibition features the projects of 20 locally and internationally renowned design units. James Law, an internationally acclaimed architect, features a new iteration of mobile architecture allowing people to live in a flexible way, Alpod, at the exhibition. To explore more of this new mode of urban living, let’s watch the video. Details of exhibition: http://confluence20.hk/

#HKSAR20 #Confluence20+ #JamesLaw #Alpod #CreativeHK #futureconstruct #TogetherProgressOpportunity #HKDesignCentre
