China Daily features James Law in article “Young people in HK urged to hit the Belt and Road”

Wednesday, June 07, 2017, 23:10
Young people in HK urged to hit the Belt and Road
By Luo Weiteng in Hong Kong

Students walk near the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom on Feb 12, 2015. (Roy Liu / China Daily)
Hong Kong youngsters are urged to hit the road and find greener pastures along the Belt and Road route.

As a forerunner of the country’s reform and opening-up in past decades, Hong Kong has seen nearly 300,000 of its citizens head north and settle down in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou today in their quest for bright prospects in the world’s second-largest economy, Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying told a Belt and Road experience sharing forum in Hong Kong on Wednesday.

“As the country progresses with its vision of reviving the ancient trade links, the landmark Belt and Road Initiative delivers another alluring prospect for Hong Kong’s young generation,” Leung said.

“It really matters for our young talents to set their sights on such a prospect and understand how they can benefit from the grand plan, the one that is making a name on land and in sea nowadays.”

Leung’s remarks came after he led a 30-strong delegation to the high-level Belt and Road summit that was attended by 29 heads of state and delegates from more than 100 nations in Beijing last month, which achieved 270 concrete results.

As refreshing examples of dreaming big and going big, four Hong Kong-born entrepreneurs who made their mark in the region or even across the globe shared their success stories with local youngsters at the experience sharing forum to shed light on golden opportunities outside Hong Kong and along the Belt and Road.

“Hong Kong, a metropolis that always stands at the forefront of the innovation and design, is known for its leading edge in smart architecture. There is so much advanced experience we are looking to sell and export worldwide and this is where Belt and Road Initiative could come in,” said James Law, a world-renowned architect whose outstanding works have been erected in a dazzling array of mega cities such as Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Doha, Moscow and Chicago.

“For promising Hong Kong architects and designers, the local market is where you draw inspiration. Yet, it is also a tiny market where you may feel bound hand and foot,” Law said.

“You need a broader stage to carve out a career and give a full play to your potentials. Take your energy, health and dreams, the world is waiting for you to set sail and explore,” he added.

“Global presence is always vital for business to thrive and prosper,” said Glendy Choi, who took over an asphalt mixing company from her father and successfully made inroads into international markets.

Banking on the Belt and Road Initiative – a “modified globalization blueprint” that helps Hong Kong integrate with the Chinese mainland and helps the mainland integrate with the world – the country is looking to set the tone for globalization.

“For entrepreneurs, it is always important to move in line with the national policy. With the national policy of Belt and Road, we are encouraged to eye big, aim high and go global,” Choi said.

Dismissing the idea that the initiative remained a concept on paper, Choi said such “a project of century” calls for long-term commitment and persistence from every participant to get it off the ground.

Jasmine Zhou contributed to the story