James Law to share at SCAD virtual series Guests and Gusto on Sep 30

James Law will be sharing at SCAD virtual series ‘Guests and Gusto’ tonight Sep 30 9:00pm Hong Kong time (9:00am EST) on the topic “Change the world with Cybertecture architect and technologist”.

Sign up now and join us tonight!

Event details: https://www.scad.edu/event/2020-09-30-cybertecture-architect-technologist-james-law-guests-gusto

Sign up: https://scad.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMuduqhrzMtG9ONVuYeIS3sTTnwS73OGczo?_x_zm_rtaid=RTqksCRZQFyAlb8e8XRAiQ.1600741454886.4cd9679cb749fefec3016d7f1049885c&_x_zm_rhtaid=445