James Law’s Obituary for IM Pei

James Law’s Obiturary for IM Pei.
“I M Pei dies at 102. This iconic figure in Architecture symbolised not only his own brand of balanced modernist design, but also symbolised a Chinese who managed to achieve the status of global iconic architect. He is the only one that has achieved this so far. His long life has achieved a lot, and during his career, his buildings went beyond the commercial into the spiritual that spanned cultures, from France to USA,  from Japan to Qatar, in his family heritage in China. As a result, his work was diplomatic and gave a platform for cultural exchange that showed the power within Architecture to bridge cultural divides. His Architecture showed us what was common in Humanity. A life well lived, long and with a cultural depth of understanding achieved that any architect would love to have had in a career. Rest in Peace. I wish I had met you in person and learnt from you as a Chinese and as an Architect.”
James Law