OPod Tube Housing conceived by James Law Cybertecture is an experimental, low cost, micro living housing unit to ease Hong Kong’s affordable housing problems. Built from low cost and readily available concrete water pipe, the design ultilizes a strong concrete structure to house an apartment for one/two persons with living, cooking and bathroom inside 100 sq.ft. Each OPod Tube House is equipped with smart phone locks for online access as well as space saving micro-living furniture. OPod Tube Houses can be stacked to become a low rise building that is modular community in a very short time, and can be located and relocated in different sites of Hong Kong. Invitation to see and go inside a real OPod Tube Housing designed and built by James Law Cybertecture at 4:30pm 8th December 2017 at Design Inspire “Urbanovation” Exhibition next to Business of Design Week BODW at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Free Entry. Press and Enquiries, please email to enquiries@jameslawcybertecture.com