UBER x Cybertecture Academy 2018

Announcing UBER x Cybertecture Academy 2018! We are thrilled to announce partnership for my Cybertecture Academy 2018 will tech phenomenon UBER. Uber will be hosting a visit for the students of Cybertecture Academy to their amazing facility in HK and will organise activities with their team to interact and share with the young Cybertects of the academy this year.


Cybertecture Academy is a non-profit education institution providing courses in architecture, design, innovation and technology to a wide age group from students to professionals and institutions.


Cybertecture Academy 2018 will run from 4-10 August 2018. For enrolment and information please go to website www.cybertectureacademy.com or contact our team at enquiries@cybertectureacademy.com or 23819997 Ms. Ng