In our pursuit to alleviate suffering for all through design around the world, Cybertecture for Humanity is excited that our first South African project begins this month in collaboration with #ProjektUbuntu at #Masiphumelele, South Africa. We will be designing a new model of innovative low cost shelter for the refugees and inhabitants of Masiphumelele township near Cape Town. The design team will include the kids of #CybertectureAcademy supported by the professional team of #JamesLawCybertecture. Our partners on site are Projekt Ubuntu’s Merlegrace O’Brien , Candi Hogan, Mone Utha, Erica Elk. Our Cybertecture Academy kids design team will be led by Zinc Lau. Our James Law Cybertecture design team will be led by Charles Chu King Fai. Our supporters for this project include Hong Kong Science Park #HKSTP and special thanks to Andrew Young and Irene Li.
The project will be built in actuality on the site at Projekt Ubuntu’s grounds at Masiphumelele.