Club Innovale – Digital Twin Game Room

Hong Kong

The Digital Twin Game Room, a digital counterpart to the One Innovale clubhouse, offering users a unique and immersive gaming experience on a wall-length curved LED screen. With this innovative setup, users can truly immerse themselves in three captivating themes: Mars, Fantasy Island, and Cyber City.

Each theme promises a distinctive visual and sensory adventure, complete with collectible items and educational content tailored for children. Utilizing a stationary 10-point multi-touch screen, accommodating up to 5 players simultaneously, users enjoy intuitive control over their virtual environment within the realms of Mars, Fantasy Island, and Cyber City.

In the Mars theme, users navigate a Mars rover, exploring a digital Martian surface with a simulated atmosphere and landscape. Collectible capsules reveal randomized educational items, enhancing the learning experience.

The Fantasy Island theme allows users to ride a flying dragon, exploring a digital fantasy island. The immersive atmosphere and landscape create a fantasy world, while collectible crystals provide randomized educational content.

In the Cyber City theme, users can drive a flying car to explore a futuristic cyber city. The theme boasts a futuristic atmosphere and landscape, with collectible capsules containing randomized educational items.

With the wall-length curved LED screen, users can truly immerse themselves into each metaverse theme, enhancing the level of engagement and fun in the Digital Twin Game Room. This innovative setup not only entertains but also provides an educational and dynamic space for users to explore and enjoy.